by Mikko | Sep 18, 2017 | Uncategorized
We are streamlining the core theory courses. We have been running RYA (the Royal Yachting Association) theory courses and FNA (the Finnish Navigation Association) theory courses separately during falls and springs. The corresponding levels of RYA and FNA theory...
by Mikko | Mar 21, 2017 | Uncategorized
A new sail training season is starting soon. While training sailing and skippering, we are visiting some of the most beautiful places in the coastal areas and archipelago. The photo is from Örö Island, which part of the Archipelago National Park. The sail training...
by Mikko | Sep 7, 2016 | Navigation
After a busy practical sail training season, classroom based theory courses will take over. Inshore Navigation course starts on 5th November and Coastal Navigation on 6th November. These courses provide necessary background knowledge for aspiring skippers of sailboats...
by Mikko | Apr 29, 2016 | Uncategorized
Sail-a-Day and Evening Sailings offer easy way to get the first hands-on introduction to sail cruising if you are new to sailing. You can build skills and experience if you have sailed as a crew member or progressed to yacht skippering level. Or you can just enjoy the...
by Mikko | Mar 16, 2016 | Uncategorized
We are starting a new free classroom event called Boating & Sail Cruising Lifestyle aimed at introducing people to a new exciting hobby. We want to tell and show you what boating and sail cruising is really about. During the Boating & Sail Cruising...
by Mikko | Feb 28, 2016 | Navigation
Shorebased navigation courses start about in three weeks: Inshore Navigation on 19 March and Coastal Navigation on 20 March 2016. Taking a navigation course is an excellent way to prepare for the coming sailing season. Knowledge gained from the inshore and coastal...
by Mikko | Feb 21, 2016 | News
The first version of the web pages are published now (21 February 2016). From this initial version we start to develop the pages on a regular basis to reflect the developments of Helsinki Yachting Sailing School. We hope you find these pages helpful.
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