We accept Edenred, ePassi, Smartum, benefits card payments for the courses (no paper vouchers).

2025 Summary Calendar

  • Theory course, Marine VHF Radio. 1 February 2025. More info here. Booking open.
  • Theory course, RYA Day Skipper. 8 February – 15 March 2025. More info here.
  • Theory course, RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore. 16 February – 13 April 2025. More info here. Booking open.
  • Theory course, Celestial Navigation. 23 March – 27 April 2025. More info here. Booking open.
  • Theory course, RYA Day Skipper. 29 March – 3 May 2025. More info here. Booking open.
  • Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 22 – 25 May 2025. More info here.
  • Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 29 May – 1 June 2025. More info here.
  • Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 5 – 8 June 2025. More info here. Booking open.
  • Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 12 – 15 June 2025. More info here. Booking open.
  • Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 26 – 29 June 2025. More info here. Booking open.
  • Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 7 – 10 August 2025. More info here. Booking open.
  • More to come…


2024 Summary Calendar

  • Theory course, RYA Day Skipper. 17 February – 23 March 2024. More info here.
  • Theory course, RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore. 18 February – 13 April 2024. More info here.
  • Theory course, Celestial Navigation. 10 March – 6 April 2024. More info here. 
  • Theory course, RYA Day Skipper. 14 April – 19 May 2024. More info here.
  • Theory course, Marine VHF Radio. 4 May 2024. More info here.
  • Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 23 – 26 May 2024. More info here.
  • Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 30 May – 2 June 2024. More info here.
  • Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 6 – 9 June 2024. More info here.
  • Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 12 June and 14 – 16 June 2024. More info here.
  • Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 29 June – 2 July 2024. More info here.
  • Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 6 – 9 July 2024. More info here.
  • Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 25 – 28 July 2024. More info here.
  • Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 1 – 4 August 2024. More info here.
  • Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 8 – 11 August 2024. More info here.
  • Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 15 – 18 August 2024. More info here.
  • Theory course, RYA Day Skipper. 26 October – 30 November 2024. More info here.
  • Theory course, RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore. 27 October – 22 December 2024. More info here.


Theory course. RYA Day Skipper. 17 February – 23 March 2024.

RYA Day Skipper theory provides background knowledge in navigation, safety, and seamanship for Inshore Skipper practical course students. Additionally, the course addresses the navigational and safety challenges of the Finnish waters.

Duration: 40 hours and two assessments.

Course dates:

Day 1. Saturday, 17 February 2024, 09:00 – 17:30
Day 2. Saturday, 24 February 2024, 09:00 – 17:30
Day 3. Saturday, 2 March 2024, 09:00 – 17:30
Day 4. Saturday, 9 March 2024, 09:00 – 17:30
Day 5. Saturday, 23 March 2024, 09:00 – 17:30

Course delivery is flexible. If a participant misses a classroom session, we can arrange additional classroom or online meetings to fill in the gaps. A growing number of online course services make distance learning more effective. We have been developing these during the pandemic. The aim is to create a theory course that benefits from interactive physical classroom learning and online learning functionalities for communication, sharing resources, and giving assignments. Physical and online classrooms complement each other.

Price: 390 €. It includes all paper and online materials except personal plotting tools.

Materials: Two RYA practice charts, RYA Exercises and course information booklet, RYA Day Skipper Shorebased Notes book, RYA Training Almanac, online material (lesson sets, exercise workings, other resources), assessment papers, and certificate of satisfactory completion. The students are assumed to bring their chartwork tools, including pencil, rubber, dividers, plotter, and notebook.

Location: Lauttasaari Classroom

Other info. Name of the RYA Recognised Training Centre: Helsinki Yachting. Max number of students usually is eight. Language: Exams and courses are in English. Classroom address: Heikkiläntie 7, 00210 Helsinki.


Theory course. RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore. 18 February - 13 April 2024.

RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore theory provides background knowledge in navigation, safety, and seamanship for coastal skipper practical course students.

The course also provides a theoretical basis for those who plan to take the practical examination required to get the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence.

Duration: 40 hours and three assessments.

Course dates:

Day 1: Sunday, 18 February 2024 , 9:00-17:30
Day 2: Sunday, 3 March 2024, 09:00-17:30.
Day 3, Sunday, 17 March 2024, 09:00-17:30.
Day 4. Sunday, 7 April 2024, 09:00-17:30.
Evening 1: Tuesday, 9 April 2024, 17:00-21:00.
Day 5: Saturday, 13 April 2024, 09:00-17:30.

Course delivery is flexible. If a participant misses a classroom session, we can arrange additional classroom or online meetings to fill in the gaps. A growing number of online course services make distance learning more effective. We have been developing these during the pandemic. The aim is to create a theory course that benefits from interactive physical classroom learning and online learning functionalities for communication, sharing resources, and giving assignments. Physical and online classrooms complement each other.

Price: 410 €; includes all paper and online materials except personal plotting tools.

Materials: Two RYA practice charts, RYA Exercises and course information booklet, RYA Yachtmaster Shorebased Notes book, RYA Training Almanac, RYA Weather booklet, online material (lesson sets, exercise workings, other resources), assessment papers, and certificate of satisfactory completion. The students are assumed to bring their chartwork tools, including pencil, rubber, dividers, plotter, and notebook.

Location: Lauttasaari Classroom

This is an advanced course in navigation, safety, and meteorology for candidates for the Coastal Skipper course and RYA Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore exams. Before starting the course, the assumed level of knowledge is the Day Skipper theory course (or equivalent).

Other info. Name of the RYA Recognised Training Centre: Helsinki Yachting. Max number of students usually is eight. Language: Exams and courses are in English. Classroom address: Heikkiläntie 7, 00210 Helsinki.

Theory course. Celestial Navigation. 10 March – 6 April 2024

Celestial Navigation is experiencing a renaissance among ocean sailors and navigation enthusiasts. Celestial Navigation has many virtues: well-tested traditional method, no electricity needed, independent source of a position fix, and it provides routines during long passages.

The goals of the course are:

  • to provide minimal but covering background theory
  • to keep the work process as simple as possible
  • to select methods practiced by international mainstream
  • to give an introduction to related topics in ocean sailing: passage planning and communication

Duration: 24 hours in the classroom + homework

Course dates:

Day 1. Sunday, 10 March 2024. 09:00-17:30.
Day 2. Sunday, 24 March 2024. 09:00-17:30
Day 3. Saturday, 6 April 2024. 09:00-17:30

Course topics include the following: Introduction to the course, celestial navigation essentials, position fixing and plotting sheet, sextant, concepts related to time, sun sight, sun meridian passage, sun-run-sun, planet sight, star sight, selected stars fix, latitude by Polaris, moon sight, checking for deviation, and an introduction to ocean passage planning and communication.

Materials include everything needed to work out celestial position fix: lesson slides, nautical almanac, sight reduction tables, working sheets, plotting sheets.

In addition to physical classroom sessions, the celestial navigation course uses online services to make distance learning more effective. The aim is to create a celestial navigation course that benefits from interactive physical classroom learning and online learning functionalities for communication, sharing resources, and giving assignments. Physical and online classrooms complement each other.

Price: 250 €. It includes all materials, lessons, exercises, and course completion certificate. After the course, all core materials remain for the student’s later use at sea.

Location: Lauttasaari Classroom.

Theory course. RYA Day Skipper. 14 April – 19 May 2024.

RYA Day Skipper theory provides background knowledge in navigation, safety, and seamanship for Inshore Skipper practical course students. Additionally, the course addresses the navigational and safety challenges of the Finnish waters.

Duration: 40 hours and two assessments.

Course dates:

Day 1. Sunday, 14 April 2024, 09:00 – 17:30
Day 2. Sunday, 21 April 2024, 09:00 – 17:30
Day 3. Sunday, 28 April 2024, 09:00 – 17:30
Day 4. Sunday, 5 May 2024, 09:00 – 17:30
Day 5. Sunday, 19 May 2024, 09:00 – 17:30

Course delivery is flexible. If a participant misses a classroom session, we can arrange additional classroom or online meetings to fill in the gaps. A growing number of online course services make distance learning more effective. We have been developing these during the pandemic. The aim is to create a theory course that benefits from interactive physical classroom learning and online learning functionalities for communication, sharing resources, and giving assignments. Physical and online classrooms complement each other.

Price: 390 €. It includes all paper and online materials except personal plotting tools.

Materials: Two RYA practice charts, RYA Exercises and course information booklet, RYA Day Skipper Shorebased Notes book, RYA Training Almanac, online material (lesson sets, exercise workings, other resources), assessment papers, and certificate of satisfactory completion. The students are assumed to bring their chartwork tools, including pencil, rubber, dividers, plotter, and notebook.

Location: Lauttasaari Classroom

Other info. Name of the RYA Recognised Training Centre: Helsinki Yachting. Max number of students usually is eight. Language: Exams and courses are in English. Classroom address: Heikkiläntie 7, 00210 Helsinki.


Theory course. Marine VHF Radio. 4 May 2024

Principles of VHF Radio system, operating VHF Radio, voice and DSC calls, preparing to take the SRC exam in Finland.
Course date: Saturday, 4 May 2024, 09:00 – 17:00.
Price: 120 € (does not include Traficom exam and certification fees)
Location: Lauttasaari/Helsinki classroom.

Theory course. RYA Day Skipper. 26 October – 30 November 2024.

RYA Day Skipper theory provides background knowledge in navigation, safety, and seamanship for Inshore Skipper practical course students. Additionally, the course addresses the navigational and safety challenges of the Finnish waters.

Duration: 40 hours and two assessments.

Course dates:

Day 1. Saturday, 26 October 2024, 09:00 – 17:30
Day 2. Saturday, 2 November 2024, 09:00 – 17:30
Day 3. Saturday, 9 November 2024, 09:00 – 17:30
Day 4. Saturday, 16 November 2024, 09:00 – 17:30
Day 5. Saturday, 30 November 2024, 09:00 – 17:30

Course delivery is flexible. If a participant misses a classroom session, we can arrange additional classroom or online meetings to fill in the gaps. Online course services make distance learning more effective. The aim is to create a theory course that benefits from interactive physical classroom learning and online learning functionalities for communication, sharing resources, and giving assignments. Physical and online classrooms complement each other.

Price: 395 €. It includes all paper and online materials except personal plotting tools.

Materials: Two RYA practice charts, RYA Exercises and course information booklet, RYA Day Skipper Shorebased Notes book, RYA Training Almanac, online material (lesson sets, exercise workings, other resources), assessment papers, and certificate of satisfactory completion. The students are assumed to bring their chartwork tools, including pencil, rubber, dividers, plotter, and notebook.

Location: Lauttasaari Classroom

Other info. Name of the RYA Recognised Training Centre: Helsinki Yachting. Max number of students usually is eight. Language: Exams and courses are in English. Classroom address: Heikkiläntie 7, 00210 Helsinki.


Theory course. RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore. 27 October - 22 December 2024.

RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore theory provides background knowledge in navigation, safety, and seamanship for coastal skipper practical course students.

The course also provides a theoretical basis for those who plan to take the practical examination required to get the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence.

Duration: 40 hours and three assessments.

Course dates:

Day 1: Sunday, 27 October 2024 , 9:00-17:30.
Day 2: Sunday, 10 November 2024, 09:00-17:30.
Day 3, Sunday, 24 November 2024, 09:00-17:30.
Day 4. Sunday, 8 December 2024, 09:00-17:30.
Evening 1: Tuesday, 17 December 2024, 17:00-21:00.
Day 5: Saturday, 22 December 2024, 09:00-17:30.

Course delivery is flexible. If a participant misses a classroom session, we can arrange additional classroom or online meetings to fill in the gaps. Online course services make distance learning more effective. The aim is to create a theory course that benefits from interactive physical classroom learning and online learning functionalities for communication, sharing resources, and giving assignments. Physical and online classrooms complement each other.

Price: 415 €; includes all paper and online materials except personal plotting tools.

Materials: Two RYA practice charts, RYA Exercises and course information booklet, RYA Yachtmaster Shorebased Notes book, RYA Training Almanac, RYA Weather booklet, online material (lesson sets, exercise workings, other resources), assessment papers, and certificate of satisfactory completion. The students are assumed to bring their chartwork tools, including pencil, rubber, dividers, plotter, and notebook.

Location: Lauttasaari Classroom

This is an advanced course in navigation, safety, and meteorology for candidates for the Coastal Skipper course and RYA Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore exams. Before starting the course, the assumed level of knowledge is the Day Skipper theory course (or equivalent).

Other info. Name of the RYA Recognised Training Centre: Helsinki Yachting. Max number of students usually is eight. Language: Exams and courses are in English. Classroom address: Heikkiläntie 7, 00210 Helsinki.

Theory course. Marine VHF Radio. 1 February 2025

The course addresses the principles of the Marine VHF Radio system, operating VHF Radio, voice and DSC calls, and preparing to take the SRC exam in Finland.

The course has two parts:

  1. Classroom session in Lauttasaari on 1 February 2025, 10:00-14:00.
    • Lesson: Marine VHF Radio
    • Preparing you for the SRC (Short Range Certificate) exam arranged by Traficom.
    • Students will have online access to course material for reading and studying before the classroom session.
  2. VHF radio workshop in Lauttasaari classroom (Spring 2025). We have fixed and portable VHF/DSC radios to demonstrate and practice their use. The workshop lasts about four hours. We will discuss the workshop date during the Classroom session (1 February 2025). A proposed default date is Tuesday, 11 March 2025, 16:30-20:30.

Price: 135 € (does not include Traficom exam and certification fees)
Location: Lauttasaari/Helsinki classroom.

Theory course, RYA Day Skipper. 8 February – 15 March 2025

RYA Day Skipper theory provides background knowledge in navigation, safety, and seamanship for Inshore Skipper practical course students. Additionally, the course addresses the navigational and safety challenges of the Finnish waters.

Duration: 40 hours and two assessments.

Course dates:

Day 1. Saturday, 8 February  2025, 09:00 – 17:30
Day 2. Saturday, 15 February 2025, 09:00 – 17:30
Day 3. Saturday, 22 February 2025, 09:00 – 17:30
Day 4. Saturday, 1 March 2025, 09:00 – 17:30
Day 5. Saturday, 15 March 2025, 09:00 – 17:30

Course delivery is flexible. If a participant misses a classroom session, we can arrange additional classroom or online meetings to fill in the gaps. Online course services make distance learning more effective. The aim is to create a theory course that benefits from interactive physical classroom learning and online learning functionalities for communication, sharing resources, and giving assignments. Physical and online classrooms complement each other.

Price: 395 €. It includes all paper and online materials except personal plotting tools.

Materials: Two RYA practice charts, RYA Exercises and course information booklet, RYA Day Skipper Shorebased Notes book, RYA Training Almanac, online material (lesson sets, exercise workings, other resources), assessment papers, and certificate of satisfactory completion. The students are assumed to bring their chartwork tools, including pencil, rubber, dividers, plotter, and notebook.

Location: Lauttasaari Classroom

Other info. Name of the RYA Recognised Training Centre: Helsinki Yachting. The maximum number of students is (usually) eight. Language: Course and assessments are in English. Classroom Address: Heikkiläntie 7, 00210 Helsinki.


Theory course, RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore. 16 February – 13 April 2025

RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore theory provides background knowledge in navigation, safety, and seamanship for coastal skipper practical course students.

The course also provides a theoretical basis for those who plan to take the practical examination required to get the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence.

Duration: 40 hours and three assessments.

Course dates:

Day 1: Sunday, 16 February 2025 , 9:00-17:30.
Day 2: Sunday, 2 March 2025, 09:00-17:30.
Day 3, Sunday, 16 March 2025, 09:00-17:30.
Day 4. Sunday, 30 March 2025, 09:00-17:30.
Evening 1: Tuesday, 8 April 2025, 17:00-21:00.
Day 5: Saturday, 13 April 2025, 09:00-17:30.

Course delivery is flexible. If a participant misses a classroom session, we can arrange additional classroom or online meetings to fill in the gaps. Online course services make distance learning more effective. The aim is to create a theory course that benefits from interactive physical classroom learning and online learning functionalities for communication, sharing resources, and giving assignments. Physical and online classrooms complement each other.

Price: 415 €; includes all paper and online materials except personal plotting tools.

Materials: Two RYA practice charts, RYA Exercises and course information booklet, RYA Yachtmaster Shorebased Notes book, RYA Training Almanac, RYA Weather booklet, online material (lesson sets, exercise workings, other resources), assessment papers, and certificate of satisfactory completion. The students are assumed to bring their chartwork tools, including pencil, rubber, dividers, plotter, and notebook.

Location: Lauttasaari Classroom

This is an advanced course in navigation, safety, and meteorology for candidates for the Coastal Skipper course and RYA Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore exams. Before starting the course, the assumed level of knowledge is the Day Skipper theory course (or equivalent).

Other info. Name of the RYA Recognised Training Centre: Helsinki Yachting. The maximum number of students is (usually) eight. Language: Course and assessments are in English. Classroom address: Heikkiläntie 7, 00210 Helsinki.

Theory course, Celestial Navigation. 23 March – 27 April 2025

Celestial Navigation is experiencing a renaissance among ocean sailors and navigation enthusiasts. Celestial navigation has many virtues: (1) It is a well-tested traditional method, (2) no electricity is needed (except a digital watch), (3) it provides an independent source of a position fix, and (4) it provides routines during long passages.

The goals of the course are:

  • to provide minimal but covering background theory
  • to keep the work process as simple as possible
  • to select methods practiced by international mainstream
  • to give an introduction to related topics in ocean sailing: passage planning and communication

Duration: 24 hours in the classroom + homework

Course dates:

Day 1. Sunday, 23 March 2025. 09:00-17:30.
Day 2. Sunday, 6 April 2025. 09:00-17:30
Day 3. Saturday, 27 April 2024. 09:00-17:30

Course topics include the following: Introduction to the course, celestial navigation essentials, position fixing and plotting sheet, sextant, concepts related to time, sun sight, sun meridian passage, sun-run-sun, planet sight, star sight, selected stars fix, latitude by Polaris, moon sight, checking for deviation, and an introduction to ocean passage planning and communication.

Materials include everything needed to work out celestial position fix: lesson slides, nautical almanac, sight reduction tables, working sheets, plotting sheets.

In addition to physical classroom sessions, the celestial navigation course uses online services to make distance learning more effective. The aim is to create a celestial navigation course that benefits from interactive physical classroom learning and online learning functionalities for communication, sharing resources, and giving assignments. Physical and online classrooms complement each other.

Price: 250 €. It includes all materials, lessons, exercises, and course completion certificate. After the course, all core materials remain for the student’s later use at sea.

Location: Lauttasaari Classroom.

Theory course, RYA Day Skipper. 29 March – 3 May 2025

RYA Day Skipper theory provides background knowledge in navigation, safety, and seamanship for Inshore Skipper practical course students. Additionally, the course addresses the navigational and safety challenges of the Finnish waters.

Duration: 40 hours and two assessments.

Course dates:

Day 1. Saturday, 29 March  2025, 09:00 – 17:30
Day 2. Saturday, 5 April 2025, 09:00 – 17:30
Day 3. Saturday, 12 April 2025, 09:00 – 17:30
Day 4. Saturday, 26 April 2025, 09:00 – 17:30
Day 5. Saturday, 3 March 2025, 09:00 – 17:30

Course delivery is flexible. If a participant misses a classroom session, we can arrange additional classroom or online meetings to fill in the gaps. Online course services make distance learning more effective. The aim is to create a theory course that benefits from interactive physical classroom learning and online learning functionalities for communication, sharing resources, and giving assignments. Physical and online classrooms complement each other.

Price: 395 €. It includes all paper and online materials except personal plotting tools.

Materials: Two RYA practice charts, RYA Exercises and course information booklet, RYA Day Skipper Shorebased Notes book, RYA Training Almanac, online material (lesson sets, exercise workings, other resources), assessment papers, and certificate of satisfactory completion. The students are assumed to bring their chartwork tools, including pencil, rubber, dividers, plotter, and notebook.

Location: Lauttasaari Classroom

Other info. Name of the RYA Recognised Training Centre: Helsinki Yachting. The maximum number of students is (usually) eight. Language: Course and assessments are in English. Classroom Address: Heikkiläntie 7, 00210 Helsinki.


Practical sailing course. Helsinki. 23 - 26 May 2024.

Sailing area: Helsinki coastal waters provide exciting and diverse sail training area to learn crew member skills, navigation and skippering. Helsinki offers a wide variety guest marinas and smaller harbors where we can stop for lunch. Daily sail training trips start from our home base at HSK Yachtclub in Lauttasaari.

Course dates:

Thursday, 23 May 2024, 15:30-21:30
Friday, 24 May 2024, 15:30-21:30
Saturday, 25 May 2024, 09:00-19:00
Sunday, 26 May 2024, 09:00-19:00

Price: Sailing Crew €470; Inshore Skipper €470; Coastal Skipper €490

Course notes included. Additional night navigation exercises are included in the Coastal Skipper course.

Practical sailing course. Helsinki. 30 May - 2 June 2024.

Sailing area: Helsinki coastal waters provide exciting and diverse sail training area to learn crew member skills, navigation and skippering. Helsinki offers a wide variety guest marinas and smaller harbors where we can stop for lunch. Daily sail training trips start from our home base at HSK Yachtclub in Lauttasaari.

Course dates:

Thursday, 30 May 2024, 15:30-21:30
Friday, 31 May 2024, 15:30-21:30
Saturday, 1 June 2024, 09:00-19:00
Sunday, 2 June 2024, 09:00-19:00

Price: Sailing Crew €470; Inshore Skipper €470; Coastal Skipper €490

Course notes included. Additional night navigation exercises are included in the Coastal Skipper course.

Practical sailing course. Helsinki. 6 - 9 June 2024.

Sailing area: Helsinki coastal waters provide exciting and diverse sail training area to learn crew member skills, navigation and skippering. Helsinki offers a wide variety guest marinas and smaller harbors where we can stop for lunch. Daily sail training trips start from our home base at HSK Yachtclub in Lauttasaari.

Course dates:

Thursday, 6 June 2024, 15:30-21:30
Friday, 7 June 2024, 15:30-21:30
Saturday, 8 June 2024, 09:00-19:00
Sunday, 9 June 2024, 09:00-19:00

Price: Sailing Crew €470; Inshore Skipper €470; Coastal Skipper €490

Course notes included. Additional night navigation exercises are included in the Coastal Skipper course.

Practical sailing course. Helsinki. 12 June and 14 - 16 June 2024.

Sailing area: Helsinki coastal waters provide exciting and diverse sail training area to learn crew member skills, navigation and skippering. Helsinki offers a wide variety guest marinas and smaller harbors where we can stop for lunch. Daily sail training trips start from our home base at HSK Yachtclub in Lauttasaari.

Course dates:

Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 15:30-21:30
Friday, 14 June 2024, 15:30-21:30
Saturday, 15 June 2024, 09:00-19:00
Sunday, 16 June 2024, 09:00-19:00

Price: Sailing Crew €470; Inshore Skipper €470; Coastal Skipper €490

Course notes included. Additional night navigation exercises are included in the Coastal Skipper course.

Practical sailing course. Helsinki. 29 June - 2 July 2024.

Sailing area: Helsinki coastal waters provide exciting and diverse sail training area to learn crew member skills, navigation and skippering. Helsinki offers a wide variety guest marinas and smaller harbors where we can stop for lunch. Daily sail training trips start from our home base at HSK Yachtclub in Lauttasaari.

Course dates:

Saturday, 29 June 2024, 09:00-17:00
Sunday, 30 June 2024, 09:00-17:00
Monday, 1 July 2024, 09:00-17:00
Tuesday, 2 July 2024, 09:00-17:00

Price: Sailing Crew €470; Inshore Skipper €470; Coastal Skipper €490

Course notes included. Additional night navigation exercises are included in the Coastal Skipper course.

Practical sailing course. Helsinki. 6 - 9 July 2024.

Sailing area: Helsinki coastal waters provide exciting and diverse sail training area to learn crew member skills, navigation and skippering. Helsinki offers a wide variety guest marinas and smaller harbors where we can stop for lunch. Daily sail training trips start from our home base at HSK Yachtclub in Lauttasaari.

Course dates:

Saturday, 6 July 2024, 09:00-17:00
Sunday, 7 July 2024, 09:00-17:00
Monday, 8 July 2024, 09:00-17:00
Tuesday, 9 July 2024, 09:00-17:00

Price: Sailing Crew €470; Inshore Skipper €470; Coastal Skipper €490

Course notes included. Additional night navigation exercises are included in the Coastal Skipper course.

Practical sailing course. Helsinki. 25 - 28 July 2024.

Sailing area: Helsinki coastal waters provide exciting and diverse sail training area to learn crew member skills, navigation and skippering. Helsinki offers a wide variety guest marinas and smaller harbors where we can stop for lunch. Daily sail training trips start from our home base at HSK Yachtclub in Lauttasaari.

Course dates:

Thursday, 25 July 2024, 09:00-17:00
Friday, 26 July 2024, 09:00-17:00
Saturday, 27 July 2024, 09:00-17:00
Sunday, 28 July 2024, 09:00-17:00

Price: Sailing Crew €470; Inshore Skipper €470; Coastal Skipper €490

Course notes included. Additional night navigation exercises are included in the Coastal Skipper course.

Practical sailing course. Helsinki. 1 - 4 August 2024.

Sailing area: Helsinki coastal waters provide exciting and diverse sail training area to learn crew member skills, navigation and skippering. Helsinki offers a wide variety guest marinas and smaller harbors where we can stop for lunch. Daily sail training trips start from our home base at HSK Yachtclub in Lauttasaari.

Course dates:

Thursday, 1 August 2024, 15:30-21:30
Friday, 2 August 2024, 15:30-21:30
Saturday, 3 August 2024, 09:00-19:00
Sunday, 4 August 2024, 09:00-19:00

Price: Sailing Crew €470; Inshore Skipper €470; Coastal Skipper €490

Course notes included. Additional night navigation exercises are included in the Coastal Skipper course.

Practical sailing course. Helsinki. 8 - 11 August 2024.

Sailing area: Helsinki coastal waters provide exciting and diverse sail training area to learn crew member skills, navigation and skippering. Helsinki offers a wide variety guest marinas and smaller harbors where we can stop for lunch. Daily sail training trips start from our home base at HSK Yachtclub in Lauttasaari.

Course dates:

Thursday, 8 August 2024, 15:30-21:30
Friday, 9 August 2024, 15:30-21:30
Saturday, 10 August 2024, 09:00-19:00
Sunday, 11 August 2024, 09:00-19:00

Price: Sailing Crew €470; Inshore Skipper €470; Coastal Skipper €490

Course notes included. Additional night navigation exercises are included in the Coastal Skipper course.

Practical sailing course. Helsinki. 15 - 18 August 2024.

Sailing area: Helsinki coastal waters provide exciting and diverse sail training area to learn crew member skills, navigation and skippering. Helsinki offers a wide variety guest marinas and smaller harbors where we can stop for lunch. Daily sail training trips start from our home base at HSK Yachtclub in Lauttasaari.

Course dates:

Thursday, 15 August 2024, 15:30-21:30
Friday, 16 August 2024, 15:30-21:30
Saturday, 17 August 2024, 09:00-19:00
Sunday, 18 August 2024, 09:00-19:00

Price: Sailing Crew €470; Inshore Skipper €470; Coastal Skipper €490

Course notes included. Additional night navigation exercises are included in the Coastal Skipper course.

Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 22 – 25 May 2025

Sailing area: Helsinki coastal waters provide an exciting and diverse sail training area where students can learn crew member skills, navigation, and skippering. Helsinki offers a wide variety of guest marinas and smaller harbors where we can stop for lunch. Daily sail training trips start from our home base at HSK Yacht Club in Lauttasaari.

Minimum duration is 32 hours.

The Coastal Skipper course includes an additional night sailing session (date to be agreed separately). It lasts about 5 – 7 hours, including passage planning before sunset and implementation after sunset.

Course dates:
Thursday, 22 May 2025, 15:30-21:30
Friday, 23 May 2025, 15:30-21:30
Saturday, 24 May 2025, 09:00-19:00
Sunday, 25 May 2025, 09:00-19:00

Price: Sailing Crew €480, Inshore Skipper €480, Coastal Skipper €520

Course notes included.

Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 29 May – 1 June 2025

Sailing area: Helsinki coastal waters provide an exciting and diverse sail training area where students can learn crew member skills, navigation, and skippering. Helsinki offers a wide variety of guest marinas and smaller harbors where we can stop for lunch. Daily sail training trips start from our home base at HSK Yacht Club in Lauttasaari.

Minimum duration is 32 hours.

The Coastal Skipper course includes an additional night sailing session (date to be agreed separately). It lasts about 5 – 7 hours, including passage planning before sunset and implementation after sunset.

Course dates:
Thursday, 29 May 2025, 15:30-21:30
Friday, 30 May 2025, 15:30-21:30
Saturday, 31 May 2025, 09:00-19:00
Sunday, 1 June 2025, 09:00-19:00

Price: Sailing Crew €480, Inshore Skipper €480, Coastal Skipper €520

Course notes included.

Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 5 – 8 June 2025

Sailing area: Helsinki coastal waters provide an exciting and diverse sail training area where students can learn crew member skills, navigation, and skippering. Helsinki offers a wide variety of guest marinas and smaller harbors where we can stop for lunch. Daily sail training trips start from our home base at HSK Yacht Club in Lauttasaari.

Minimum duration is 32 hours.

The Coastal Skipper course includes an additional night sailing session (date to be agreed separately). It lasts about 5 – 7 hours, including passage planning before sunset and implementation after sunset.

Course dates:
Thursday, 5 June 2025, 15:30-21:30
Friday, 6 June 2025, 15:30-21:30
Saturday, 7 June 2025, 09:00-19:00
Sunday, 8 June 2025, 09:00-19:00

Price: Sailing Crew €480, Inshore Skipper €480, Coastal Skipper €520

Course notes included.

Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 12 – 15 June 2025.

Sailing area: Helsinki coastal waters provide an exciting and diverse sail training area where students can learn crew member skills, navigation, and skippering. Helsinki offers a wide variety of guest marinas and smaller harbors where we can stop for lunch. Daily sail training trips start from our home base at HSK Yacht Club in Lauttasaari.

Minimum duration is 32 hours.

The Coastal Skipper course includes an additional night sailing session (date to be agreed separately). It lasts about 5 – 7 hours, including passage planning before sunset and implementation after sunset.

Course dates:
Thursday, 12 June 2025, 15:30-21:30
Friday, 13 June 2025, 15:30-21:30
Saturday, 14 June 2025, 09:00-19:00
Sunday, 15 June 2025, 09:00-19:00

Price: Sailing Crew €480, Inshore Skipper €480, Coastal Skipper €520

Course notes included.

Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 26 – 29 June 2025.

Sailing area: Helsinki coastal waters provide an exciting and diverse sail training area where students can learn crew member skills, navigation, and skippering. Helsinki offers a wide variety of guest marinas and smaller harbors where we can stop for lunch. Daily sail training trips start from our home base at HSK Yacht Club in Lauttasaari.

Minimum duration is 32 hours.

The Coastal Skipper course includes an additional night sailing session (date to be agreed separately). It lasts about 5 – 7 hours, including passage planning before sunset and implementation after sunset.

Course dates:
Thursday, 26 June 2025, 15:30-21:30
Friday, 27 June 2025, 15:30-21:30
Saturday, 28 June 2025, 09:00-19:00
Sunday, 29 June 2025, 09:00-19:00

Price: Sailing Crew €480, Inshore Skipper €480, Coastal Skipper €520

Course notes included.

Practical sailing course, Helsinki. 7 – 10 August 2025.

Sailing area: Helsinki coastal waters provide an exciting and diverse sail training area where students can learn crew member skills, navigation, and skippering. Helsinki offers a wide variety of guest marinas and smaller harbors where we can stop for lunch. Daily sail training trips start from our home base at HSK Yacht Club in Lauttasaari or some other harbour in Helsinki.

Minimum duration is 32 hours.

The Coastal Skipper course includes an additional night sailing session (date to be agreed separately). It lasts about 5 – 7 hours, including passage planning before sunset and implementation after sunset.

Course dates:
Thursday, 7 August 2025, 15:30-21:30
Friday, 8 August 2025, 15:30-21:30
Saturday, 9 August 2025, 09:00-19:00
Sunday, 10 August 2025, 09:00-19:00

Price: Sailing Crew €480, Inshore Skipper €480, Coastal Skipper €520

Course notes included.

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